
Ministry Highlight: Women's Cancer Support-Survivor Group

Medical care is very limited in Nicaragua. The people can see a doctor for free, if one is available, but they have to pay for all drugs and treatment/diagnostic services. As a result, the patient may find out what is wrong with them, but cannot afford the treatment!

One ministry Mike and Maria is involved with is the Women's Cancer Support-Survivor Group. In an excerpt from the Saeli's August 2007 newsletter, Maria shares a bit about this ministry.

"The focus is to educate women on cancer prevention, early detection and to attempt to procure funds from inside and outside the country to help obtain diagnosis and treatment for those who cannot afford it. In coordination with the medical college, a trial of a naturalistic rememdy is also underway. Although we are open to helping in these areas, our primary role is in the area of moral and spiritual support for women and their families.

"We have been visiting Yamileth in the hospital for about three weeks now. She is gravely ill and if she didn't need oxygen, her family would take her home. Instead they travel hours by bus to come into the city and then take turns staying for days by her side, sleeping on the floor. It is precious to see their love and care for her."

Sadly Yamileth passed away. The day before she passed she said to Maria, "Tomorrow when you come, I'll be doing better."

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