
Ministry Highlight: Intercessory Prayer & Ministry Team

Mike and Maria Saeli head up a vital ministy of prayer and counseling at their church, Mount of Olives in Leon.

In their March 2008 Newsletter, Mike writes:

"'I have never shared that with anyone before today,' said a 60 year old woman wth tears in her eyes. "Ana" had just spent almost three hours with us recounting a childhood full of physical, verbal, and emotional abuse that had held her in bondages of fear, rejection, loneliness and guilt for five decades. Unfortunately her story is all to common here in Nicaragua. We had been told this and now we are learning it firsthand as we minister to emotionally hurthing people in our church. We applaud their courage and openness as they seek to be set free from the lies they have believed about God and themselves, lies which have held them captive to destructive dehaviors and attitudes."

The Saeli's goal is to train others in their church to become leaders in this vital ministry in bringing people's painful past into the light of God's Spirit to receive His truth and healing.

"We realize how dependent we are on the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and
discernment as we look at the often heart-breaking needs around us. It is
essential that we help people by pointing them to God as their source and not
create an unhealthy dependency on us."

People of Nicaragua (Photos courtesy of Willem Moors)


Unknown said...

Very nice Marie!

Anonymous said...

Really enjoying your blog, Marie. Keep up the good work!